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Civil rights

Dr. Martin Luther King who led the civil rights movement in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi is our guiding star. Prof. Balagopal, the upholder of principles of justice and equality is our inspiration.

The Constitution assured the right to vote, but in the realm of civil rights, there is no such assurance of the right to speedy justice and right to equality; The marginalised have no right to work, the right to adequate housing, or the right to an adequate income.  

1. We Defend Civil Liberties; We fight against state violence, custodial torture, and extra-judicial killings.

2. We prioritize Human Rights over Ideology; We prioritize individual dignity over violent revolution or rigid ideologies.

3. We challenge arbitrary use of state power and demand accountability.

4. We advocate for tribals, Dalits, and landless laborers' rights.

Quality public health care

Public health in India is in a pathetic condition and we want poor and marginalized families on the front line on this demand of Health Care as the right of every citizen. Governments are still not spending even 15 % of GDP on health, education, employment. Let us march for the right to free health care. We are pioneers in demanding Universal free health care as the right of every citizen in India.

As most of the children of poor and marginalized and economically backward study in public schools, the fascist ruling government wants every vestige of segregated and inferior education there. The quality of the curriculum, the ambiance, the nutrition, the quality of material supplied, and the medium of instruction, the methods of teaching and learning in public schools is far less compared to private schools. They want to teach our children an education that does not have both utilitarian and moral functions.

We want schools that enable our children to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of their life. We have a blueprint for Education that enables our children to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction. Thanks to the State Governments that are implementing our blueprint to some extent. Nevertheless, we will work until the son of a minister and son of a daily wager should get an equal supreme quality education for free.   We are ready with a blueprint.   

Quality public education

Here is no work, no sufficient employment, and no guaranteed income. Marginalised are indeed desperately searching for work. For a decade development had stopped in this country and there is no any work. These problems do not solve until the government spends billions of rupees on development and environmental shaping and empowerment in a systematic approach. Unfortunately, this government is putting billions of rupees in the hands of the crony capitalists and billionaires and the same government trampling children of the land. We believe that the bigotry coupled with market operations of the Indian economy is responsible for this sustained poverty, propagating unemployment, discrimination in the market, and economic injustice faced by many sections of the society. We believe that reservations alone cannot solve the problem of poverty. Let us demand work, employment, and decent income. We stand by those who are demanding  the Government for the jobs, the work and the better wages.

Work and Better Wages 


We believe that the welfare housing schemes were created by those who had power both to confine those who had no power and to perpetuate their powerlessness. Elite class politicians are unaware of conditions inside the scheme houses and the scheme house dwellers are completely unaware of the conditions outside their class. Governments are arguing that these scheme houses are decent. If these homes are decent we demand the political leaders and their families to relocate to these scheme houses and stay there. Let us make a march for a decent standard of living. We demand the Government better housing. We demand decent housing for every family. We demand land for housing and gardening backyard. We oppose the narrow government scheme housing and segregated colonies for castes.   

Better Housing

Law against Malicious arrest and prosecution. 

India has no effective statutory/legal mechanism for wrongful prosecutions due to police and prosecutorial misconduct which has resulted in a pandemic of false cases. Due to no fear of being prosecuted by courts and the growing tendency to frame innocents for ulterior motives, there has been an unprecedented surge in the filing of false cases. We demand the Government to incorporate a legal framework against malicious prosecution.

Appreciation for life

India has no appreciation for life for marginalised in India due to the backwardness, lack of support from state for development, lack of land and production machinery  and perpetual inequality. We fight for a just society.   

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